Don’t Hold Back


When I write, I feel pieces of myself, my life and my experiences seep into every sentence.  When I edit and see myself there, knowing that you will see me there, I pause.  I scribble through the words that reveal myself to you, wanting to hide, wanting to hold back, not wanting the pieces of me to escape.

Yet, if I hold back, if I delete those words and remove myself, the writing is hollow.   It loses its soul, it loses me.

So, I became brave and allowed myself to leak into all that I do and say and write.  I give pieces of myself away.  Scared to be seen, but do it anyway.  Not for my ego or truth telling out of malice but to knock down walls, to let you in, to connect.

When I gave a piece of myself, I connected and was accepted.

Lesson learned?  Don’t hold back.