Healthy Budget


I’m on a budget.  As a writer and a part time teacher, it’s essential that I budget.  As a dreamer and goal focused person, it’s essential that I save for my future.  As a mother, it’s essential that I budget and provide my family with healthy food.

So, this morning after the school run with fifteen minutes left on my free parking ticket, I went to the town market.  Not the plush farmer’s market on the edge of town but the bog standard who-can-shout-the-loudest-for-their-custom market.  It’s awesome.

I bagged two delicious mangoes; bag of apples (Pink Lady, the crunchy fresh sweet ones); piles of purple plums; a huge bunch of bananas; piles of mini potatoes (you know the little ones that can be sleek and soft in a salad, tiny and crispy if roasted or soft and satisfying with bangers and gravy); carrots (my daughter hates salad but will eat heaps of grated carrot); green grapes; oranges (easy peel for speedy eating and little fingers in lunchboxes) all for under a tenner.  Ten minutes to be healthy and stay on a budget.  Brilliant!
