Medicine: artisan bakery, cafe and gallery


Medicine is an artisan bakery, cafe and gallery.  The simple doorway leading to this incredible space is misleading.  Through the sturdy wooden door, that is sandwiched between shops, you immediately smell the gorgeous baked bread and cakes.

Upstairs, there are smaller tables considerately decorated with delicate flowers in glass vases to expose and admire their stems.  To the left, delicious baked goods tempt you to stay for another serving or at least a slice of cake to share.

To my favourite room, pictured above.  A huge room with large tables and art exhibitions adorning the walls.  During my visit, it was ‘The Art of Reggae Exhibition’ with poster designs from across the world.  A range of interpretations of what reggae is, what it stands for and what reggae means to people; the worldwide audience and contest entries show how far reaching this phenomenal music genre is.

Art Reggae exhibition