Random Act of Kindness


On my way to Raymond Antrobus’  ‘The Perseverance’ book launch at The Rep Theatre as part of the Birmingham Literature Festival, a woman and her young son started to approach me.

I thought they were about to ask for directions, so in my mind I began to prepare an apology for not knowing the area.  New to the traffic jams, six lane city roads, Olympic construction and revitalisation of the city.  New to Birmingham’s branch of Waterstones with its impressive poetry section and exciting events.  My first year at the National Writers’ Conference, held at the University of Birmingham, and the Literature Festival.

I’ve no clue and still ask for directions or dangerously swerve to keep up with my sat nav, so there’s no way I could help them.

Instead, she approached pushing forth a big beautiful bunch of flowers and declared:  “This is a Random Act of Kindness, here you go!”  and she handed me the wonderful, smile inducing, restorer of faith, hope giving bouquet!

I gave her a huge hug, thanked her and as she walked away I assured her I would do the same for someone else.

If I approach you, it may be for directions, or I might just have a gift to brighten your day!
