Wendylicious Writers: NaNoWriMo


This year, our Wendylicious Writers will be taking part in National Novel Writing Month. For the month of November, writers set a goal of writing 50,000 words by the 30th November.  It’s a great way to get a first draft written.  Many writers get stuck editing the first page or staring at a blank screen or page; this challenge forces you to keep writing every single day with a clear goal in mind.  You can then spend the Christmas holidays improving and editing once you have that elusive first draft.  Sign up here: NaNoWriMo

If you get stuck through the month, you can use the Wendylicious Wednesday Weekly Write tasks as a boost of ideas and next steps for your writing.

Top tip:  leave a half finished sentence at the end of each day, that way you immediately have a way in to your writing the next day.

Good luck!